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Health & Wellness

body recharging station


therapy OVERVIEW

Using neuromuscular an electrical muscle lengthening device while actively stretching gives you the ability to increase range of motion, lengthen muscles and reduce possible injuries.  The Flex Dr. uses a similar electrical current that the body naturally produces which reduces the effects of stimulation and helps your muscles effectively lengthen.  Neurologically tune your muscles for peak performance.  



​Why would you do this therapy?  Muscle lengthening is used by athletes to help lengthen muscles that may always seem tight regardless of how much they stretch before and after practice.  By using a similar current that the body naturally produces in the form of electrical stimulation into the muscle and stretching simultaneously the muscle will stretch and lengthen to its normal length.



Who is this therapy recommended for?  Muscle lengthen is recommended for all athletes regardless of age or sport they play.



How often should you repeat this therapy?  Muscle lengthening does help range of motion and is recommended every 1-3 months or as needed on muscles that always feel tight.



​Which body parts are or can be treated?  Muscle lengthening can used on every muscle in the body.



What are the results of this treatment?  After a session of muscle lengthen muscles with feel more relaxed and tightness will be gone.



 What does this help to improve?  Muscle lengthening is mostly used to stretch tight muscles, but the PGA golfers are the largest group of athletes currently using muscle lengthening.  By increasing range of motion with muscle lengthening golfer are able to generate longer back swings.




© Club Recharge | 14490 Pearl Road

Strongsville | Ohio | 44136



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